Health & Medical Lose Weight

Three Ways to Lose Weight And Two Doctor Insights

There are so many voices out there telling us how to lose the weight that I think a basic review is in order.
Although there may be only 3 ways to lose your extra weight, there are several insights that can make it easier.
First, the 3 ways of weight loss: #1...
Eat less than your body needs.
No magic pill, no secret formula - just eat less.
Works every time but requires discipline.
Use more calories than you eat.
Lots of exercise or physical labor.
Hard work, both figuratively and literally.
Have some sort of surgery cut off, slurp out or otherwise remove the extra weight.
Immediate results but costly and risky.
Lifelong limitations too.
My recommendation (of course) is for option #1 - it can fit with any schedule or lifestyle and is the natural choice for our supersized culture.
I know what you're thinking...
this doctor makes it sound easy and, besides, I've already tried that and failed more times that I care to remember.
Sure, but let me share with you the two biggest insights that I have found to help people just like you.
Recognize that eating less is just a mind game - a game against yourself that you can win with the right support.
Think about it - nobody is asking you or telling you to eat more - except your "inner self"! So if there was a way to get your "inner self" to behave and play along with the strategy that you decide to follow, then the battle is nearly won...
Some people turn to hypnosis to do this, but I find that a relaxed form of coaching does the job much better and without the wishy-washy voo-doo of the hypnotist that teaches people to bark like dogs by night and lose weight by day! SECOND.
(My inside doctor secret...
)It's OK to get a little medical help in the form of a prescription weight loss accelerator.
There are many drugs out there claiming weight loss benefit, but the only one I would support using for a little extra boost to get started is HCG - the "pregnancy" hormone produced by the body to release extra energy for fetal development.
Small doses of prescription HCG (NOT the homeopathic variety!) have been shown to help release hard-to-get fat and used for years by many for exactly that.
Why even Dr Oz did a whole show on that! So now it's your time.
Your turn to have another think about your weight and what you want to do about it.
After all, the only thing between you and your naturally-thin self is you!

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