- Soil pH is a measure of relative soil acidity or alkalinity present in the ground. Soil pH levels less than 7 are considered acidic,while levels greater than 7 are referred to as alkaline. Strawberries and blueberries require different pH ranges. Blueberries thrive in soils with a pH between 4.2 and 4.8. Strawberries, on the other hand, will grow in soil with a pH between 5.0 and 7.0, but they prefer soil pH between 5.8 and 6.2. Plants grown in soil with an improper pH frequently exhibit signs of stress such as stunted growth, leaf yellowing and premature death.
- Both strawberry and blueberry plants prefer well-drained, loamy soil with moderate to high organic content. Strawberries prefer soil with at least 3 percent organic content of the soil. Blueberries have a slightly higher organic matter requirement of at least 4 percent. Either crop will benefit from adding organic matter, such as peat moss or pine bark mulch, to the soil at planting and periodically as needed. While most berries, including strawberries, prefer very fertile soil, however blueberries will do slightly better in poorer-quality, less fertile soil with lower cation exchange capacity.
- Proper irrigation reduces nutrient concentrations to safe levels and lowers the risk of fertilizer scorch. Strawberries and blueberries have similar water requirements overall. Both plants require well-drained soil. Neither will tolerate flooded or excessively dry soils. Drip irrigation is the most efficient type of watering. However, overhead sprinklers are often used to reduce frost damage. These work especially well with low-growing strawberries. They are significantly more expensive to use on blueberry bushes. Both plants need about 1 to 2 inches of water per week for best fruit production.
- Regular fertilization helps strawberry and blueberry plants reach their full potential. Both respond well to 10-10-10 complete fertilizers. Neither plant is a heavy feeder. In fact, blueberry plants are easily damaged by fertilizer. Frequent, small fertilizer applications, allowing at least 4 inches of rain or irrigation in between each application, is recommended. Keep in mind, that while nitrogen is needed to keep plants rigorous, too much can cause strawberries to grow too soft and blueberries to become too large and less productive.