There are many factors that can damage the skin and end you up looking ten or twenty years older than your actual age.
Free radicals are one of the biggest contributors in damaging the skin.
Free radicals such as pollutants and the ultra violet rays of the sun tend to penetrate the skin damaging every layer and its cells..
Aging on the other hand, makes the production of collagen and elastin minimized.
However, because of today's technology, there are available methods that would aid us in rejuvenating the skin back to its youthful look.
Skin care companies have plenty of products that are composed of ingredients which would ward off the free radicals and at the same time repair the damages it had inflicted on the skin.
There are also ways and means that we can religiously follow to support the skin care products we are using in order to gain fast and best results.
Here are the top skin rejuvenation treatments and methods:
- Balanced Diet - Our food must include green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.
These foods actually contain vitamins and nutrients which would strengthen the health of our skin and its cells.
Eat less oily and fatty foods, as they are also a reason for skin damage.
The oil somehow damages the lymphatic flow of flushing out the toxins from our body. - Right amount of sleep - It is advised that we should sleep eight hours a day to regenerate the body system and its cells.
Also, lack of sleep makes the sebaceous glands secretes excessive sebum.
Sebum is the body's natural oil.
The main purpose of sebum is to protect the skin from possible damages.
An excess of this however, may also lead to wrinkles and fine lines. - Wear Sunscreen - Too much exposure to the ultra violet rays of the sun damages the skin.
It causes skin dryness which eventually leads to formation of fine lines and wrinkles. - Hydrate the body - Water is a very vital element that the body needs.
It is best to drink eight or more glasses of water everyday.
Water purposely helps hydrate the body and its cells.
Aside from this, water aids in flushing out the toxins that are inside the body that are damaging the cells. - Use skin products with right ingredients - When using skin care products it is important to know the ingredients it contain.
This method will tell you what kind of ingredients capable rejuvenating your skin.
Check if the ingredients are suitable to your skin.
The most common ingredients that are tested to give satisfactory results are CoQ10 and Cynergy TK, all of which are collagen stimulant.
We must never forget that treatment is not an overnight process.
It is better to prevent possible problems rather than curing it.