Health & Medical Diabetes

Foods That Diabetics Can Eat

Understanding the Diabetic Food Pyramid will help simplify learning about the foods that diabetics can eat and allow for making smart food choices.
The Diabetes Food Pyramid The diabetes food pyramid divides foods into groups, the basic contents of each particular food determines its membership in a group.
In order from the top of the pyramid to the bottom is: Top- Fats and Sweets Level 1 - Milk Group and the Meat and Meat Substitutes Group Level 2 - Vegetables Group and Fruits Group Bottom - Starches We'll take a look at which foods fit into each of these groups in a moment.
What you do is eat more foods from groups at the bottom of the pyramid and fewer from groups at the top.
Blood glucose levels are affected more by the foods from the lower 3 groups i.
starches, vegetables, fruits and milks and they have the highest carbohydrate content.
Foods That Diabetics Can Eat - Starches Starches provide carbohydrate, fiber, minerals and vitamins.
Bread, cereal, grains, starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn and my favorite pasta are all starches.
For an even healthier diet use whole grain starches because they have more fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Starches are good for diabetics as well as non-diabetics so eat some at every meal.
Examples of starches are: o bread o pasta o corn o pretzels o potatoes o rice o crackers o cereal o tortillas o beans o yams o lentils Foods That Diabetics Can Eat - Vegetables Vegetables provide fiber, vitamins and minerals and low in carbohydrates.
Examples of vegetables are: o lettuce o broccoli o vegetable juice o spinach o peppers o carrots o green beans o tomatoes o celery o chilies o greens o cabbage Foods That Diabetics Can Eat - Fruits Fruits provide carbohydrate, minerals, fiber and vitamins.
Examples of fruits include o apples o fruit juice o strawberries o dried fruit o grapefruit o bananas o raisins o oranges o watermelon o peaches o mango o guava o papaya o berries o canned fruit Milk is easy, it's milk Milk provides carbohydrate, protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals.
List of Foods for a Diabetic to Eat - Meat and Meat Substitutes The meat and meat substitutes group includes meat, eggs, fish, poultry, cheese and tofu.
Eat small amounts of some of these foods each day.
This group provides protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Meat and meat substitutes examples: o chicken o beef o fish o canned tuna or other fish o eggs o peanut butter o tofu o cottage cheese o cheese o pork o lamb o turkey Foods that Diabetics Can Eat - Fats and Sweets Let's face it, fats and sweets are not very nutritious, have lots of calories and should be eaten in small amounts.
If you want to lose weight and control your diabetes limit the intake of this group.
Fats include: o salad dressing o oil o cream cheese o butter o margarine o mayonnaise o avocado o olives o bacon Sweets include: o cake o ice cream o pie o syrup o cookies o doughnuts This is the first step in learning how to control your diabetes from a diet standpoint.
Here are the other things you will need to learn to develop a daily meal plan: 1.
How much is a serving size for each food.
How many servings of each group do I have at each meal.
What are the best ways to cook and eat each food.
For more information about diabetic diets including a wealth of recipes, visit http://netproductscenter.

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