Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Why Do I Snore?

Having personally snored for all of my adult life, I am frequently asking myself what I have done to deserve such an affliction.
Do you ask yourself the same question? Maybe your family do! Do you know what is contributing to your snoring and what could be done to lessen it? Why do I snore? Why, why, why, why, why...
It's a question that I have been asking myself since I was sixteen years old.
Prior to that I didn't consider myself to have a snoring problem, at least no one told me that I did.
I first discovered the horrible reality one autumn night, in a tent with two other lads of the same age.
I had been on an outdoor activity course in Wales and one of the activities was to spend the night out in the wild.
When we had gone to bed we had huddled into our sleeping bags and were somewhat cramped inside the small tent.
When I awoke the next morning I had all the space I could want.
No one else was in the tent.
I was alone.
I got up and found my friends outside already, putting their sleeping bags away.
I had to ask, "You guys sleep alright?" "No", they both replied in unison.
"Why not, did you find it too uncomfortable?" "YOU BLOODY SNORED ALL NIGHT, WE SLEPT OUTSIDE!" So there you have it.
Sixteen years old, not even a man and I had already cleared my first room.
To be fair the lads were fine about it, we got on alright throughout the next day.
We were due to spend another night in the tent but fortunately for them they found alternative sleeping arrangements.
In someone else's tent.
I slept alone.
Twenty five years later and I think its fair to say I've cleared a lot of bedrooms in that time.
Over the years I have constantly asked myself, "why do I snore?" Is it hereditary? I have slept in the same room as my father on occasions and his snoring truly is something to behold.
Have I inherited my abilities from him like some super being? Am I overweight? I've always had a bit of an issue with my size.
I wouldn't say that I'm grotesquely obese but I do like my pies, if you know what I mean.
If I was stick thin would I still snore? Is there something medically wrong with me? Can I fix this by paying for some medical expert to start cutting up pieces of my throat? Or can I buy some wonder drug or tool that I can shove in my mouth and stop it for good? Do I drink/smoke too much? By living like a monk will I be snore free forever? Is it my partners fault? Is someone else's presence in the bedroom only making the problem worse? Am I subconsciously only snoring to annoy people? When I'm alone do I still snore? OK the last one sounds crazy doesn't it.
But that's where you're driven to by a twenty five year snoring habit.
With experience I have found that you can stop your snoring, but perhaps not necessarily cure it completely.
If drinking Diet Coke gives you an upset stomach then what would you do.
Drink more? No, the intelligent part of your brain would tell you to stop doing something that is causing you a problem.
I can tell you now that if you address a number of issues such as food, weight, bad habits etc, you will address your snoring.
Try to hit it from lots of different angles.
You may not cure it but you can certainly lessen it, and you don't need to resort to expensive surgery to do so.
Best of luck with your snoring solutions!

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