The Calorie Shifting diet menu planner is essentially an online diet generator that allows you to create your own customized meal plan within the parameters of the diet's rules.
What you end up with is a meal plan that spans eleven days.
The significance of the number eleven lies in the fact that you are required to take a three-day break from the diet once very fortnight (two weeks).
So if you do the math, that translates to eleven consecutive days of dieting, followed by three consecutive days off from the diet.
(During the three-day break, you are allowed to eat anything you want.
) On each of the eleven days, you are required to eat four meals.
Each of the four meals may be eaten in any order that you choose on that particular day, as long as the components of each meal remain intact as one coherent meal.
Each of your four daily meals must be spaced apart by a minimum of two and a half to three hours in between each.
This rule itself may not seem like a big deal.
But the fact of the matter is that a lot of what contributes to the obesity epidemic in the world today is that people have developed the habit of "eating in between meals".
In other words, even though you just finished eating a meal an hour ago, you might wind up snacking on something a half an hour to an hour later.
The human body's digestive system needs at least two and a half to three hours of time to thoroughly digest your food from the previous meal.
You are allowed to eat as much food as you desire at each one of your four daily meals.
There is no need to count calories, carbohydrates, or anything.
The only rule of thumb is that you must strive to stop eating just before reaching the brink of fullness.
Ideally you should stop eating just when you are on the verge of being completely satsified and just before becoming too full.
What exactly does a typical menu plan look like? What kind of meals does it consist of? Essentially, you get to eat a wide variety of foods from all four of the major food groups.
So you get to eat a healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, bread, meat and poultry, and dairy products.
The only catch is that you must shift the types of calories that you consume, from meal to meal.
So the manner in which your calorie types are grouped together constantly shifts throughout the day and over the course of each of the eleven days.