For women, unwanted facial hair appears on the chin, upper lip and sides of the face.
Prior to deciding on the proper hair removal method, initially, you need to decide the cause of abnormal hair growth.
If you observe abnormal hair growth on these regions of the face or if you notice thick hair on these regions, consult a physician to find out the cause before you get on to the hair removal method.
Most women try various methods like shaving, waxing, tweezing and bleaching on a regular basis.
Using these methods repeatedly, the hair becomes stronger and darker than before.
Trying these methods repetitively can cause skin irritation and permanent damage to the skin.
If the hair growth is not abnormal, you have several options available for removal.
People, who want permanent removal of the abnormal hair, consider laser treatment.
However, all the people can't undergo laser treatment.
Ideal candidates for laser treatment are people who have fair skin and also dark hair.
Undergoing the treatment within experienced hands of a surgeon can help to achieve best results.
Dark skinned people and people with light blonde or white hair are not effective candidates for laser treatment.
Things to consider before undergoing laser hair removal: Before undergoing the treatment, you need to consult a therapist to know whether you are a good candidate for hair removal.
Also make sure that the person treating you is an experienced physician.
Most important questions you need to ask your doctor during consultation are: 1.
What type of outcomes can I expect? 2.
What type of lasers you use? 3.
How many patients have you treated? 4.
Do you own the laser or rent it? In case your doctor has own laser equipment, then make sure that the doctor has good experience.
What to expect after the initial treatment? Though laser treatment is a permanent solution, a 50-70 percent reduction of hair is observed after three consecutive treatments and each treatment conducted at a gap of six weeks.
For facial laser treatment, you need to consider maintenance treatments for complete removal of hair and also to maintain smoothness of the face.
The cost of the laser treatment varies according to the place you live and it ranges from $150-$350 for each session.
Each facial treatment session takes about 10 minutes.
Not only women, men too can consider facial hair removal.
Men who don't have time to shave and want to look smooth and professional at their work place can consider laser treatment.
Laser not only helps to prevent the need for further shaving, it will also prevent irritation and the development of painful and inflamed razor bumps on the skin.
Facial laser hair removal is quick, easy and less painful than other treatment methods.
Though you need to undergo several treatment sessions, the results last longer.
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