When choosing a cheap web hosting provider we should be aware of the providers servers and whether they give you good contention ratios, bandwidth, disk space and anti virus protection.
We do not want to pay an arm and a leg for hosting either.
Do not worry because I will show you the safest cheap hosting provider that overcomes these issues.
If your website is sitting on a unreliable server then you are probably throwing your money down the toilet.
The reason would be because people probably can not even access the site because firstly the contention ratio would be close to nil.
A contention ratio is when your site has a slow loading time because you are in contention or competition with other websites on the server.
If the other websites have more traffic and the server is unsupported you will probably be stuck with an extremely slow loading time.
Bandwidth is the next issue because this determines how many people can be on your website at one time.
You do not want to be limited to bandwidth that only allows 30 people on your website at one time.
That could be the difference between a successful website and an obsolete one.
If your website will be updating then it will be eating up disk space.
If your web hosting provider has a limited amount of disk space then you will put yourself in a position where the server will not be able to handle the size of your website and it will simply not be supported or visible online.
Like any situation on your computer virus protection is a very important issue.
Cheap web hosting providers always put you in a risk of infecting people that go on your website including yourself.
This would be the worst outcome because you tried to save a dollar on your hosting.
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