How to seduce a woman even when you think that she is out of your league? Basically, before any woman can get seduced by you, she must feel attracted to you first.
Therefore, you will need to create attraction between you and her first.
So what makes a woman attracted to a man? A man who has a lot of suitors will make women feel that he is a "hot catch".
A research shows that women are more attracted to men who are surrounded with women.
Therefore, before you start seducing a woman that you like, you need to shift the perception the other way round.
Instead of you think that you will need her to qualify you, you will need to think in another way that you are the one who is going to qualify her.
With this simple shift of thinking, you will be able to change your entire experience with women.
When you start to think that you need to qualify her, you will not be seen as desperate.
Desperate men are big turn-offs to women.
Therefore by not being seen as a desperate man, you have already gained an upper hand.
Moreover, you will start to treat the whole experience of approaching women as a process of discovery rather than a process of convincing.
You will not be afraid to ask more about her as you now think that you are the one who is qualifying her.
If you wish to master the art of seduction, visit the website below to download your FREE 6 Part Mini-Course that will make you irresistible to women:
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