Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Is She Still Interested? Top 3 Ways To Know If Your Ex Girlfriend Is Still Attracted To You

Below are the top 3 ways to tell if your ex girlfriend is still interested in you after a breakup.

She stays in contact. One of the easiest ways to tell if your ex girlfriend still thinks about you is whether she stays in contact. If she still has something for you then she won't forget about you and that will show in her actions. She may call you just to say hi, hang out with your group of friends hoping to see you or show up at places where she might run into you. Your ex girlfriend may say she 'just wants to be friends' and use that as an excuse to have a conversation with you, however the fact that she is even contacting you after the breakup suggests that she still cares for you.

She is dating one of your mates. This can be hard to accept but don't always think of it as a bad thing if it happens. Girls often 'rebound' after a relationship as a way to show you they have moved on (and more precisely to make you jealous), however in reality it can be quite the opposite. It is her way of denying her feelings and telling herself she is past you when in actual fact it just proves that she is still thinking about you. It also gives her an excuse to stay close to you without admitting it. This can show in the way she acts with him when you are near. She will most likely hold him tighter, laugh louder or possibly even kiss him when you are near.

Her body language! A girls body language is the biggest tell-tale sign to know if she is still attracted to you. This can be hard to tell if you don't know what you're looking for but once you do it is easily the most effective way of knowing whether your ex girlfriend is still attracted to you. Take note of her eye contact; her eyes may get slighter wider when speaking to you (a sign of interest). Take note of body position; she may lean towards you or have her feet point at you subconsciously within a group of people (again, a sign of interest). These are just some of the ways you can use a girls body language to identify whether she is still attracted to you or has really moved on.

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