- When you write a letter to the editor, use standard business letter format. Place your name and address and the editor or journalist's name and address in the upper left corner and the date in the upper right corner. Address the editor or journalist by name, and state which article to which you are responding within the first sentence or two. End your letter with "Sincerely," on its own line and your name on the next line, both right justified.
- Put the most important information at the beginning of the letter. State the main point you want to make at the very beginning, and spend the rest of the letter supporting it as necessary. Chances are the editor or journalist who receives your letter is an extremely busy person Putting the substance of your message at the beginning is both courteous and effective. If you need motivation, imagine the reader stopping after a few sentences, then check to determine whether you've put enough information in those sentences to get the essence of your message across.
- Most newspaper staff members deal with a vast volume of information, events and articles. An effective letter to a newspaper provides specific references to the article or topic to which it refers, including article titles and the publication date. Similarly, provide specific details when making an argument or supporting a point. Newspaper workers need verifiable facts and references to back up any factual claims you make. Your opinions may matter, but the moment you move beyond your own reaction or experience, you must provide external evidence.
- Because of the busyness of most newspaper staff members and the volume of mail they process, they are unlikely to have the time or desire to read a long and rambling letter. Keep paragraphs to no more than three sentences, and do your best to keep the overall length of the letter less than 300 words. After composing your letter, reread it and cut out any word or sentence not necessary to the message.