In the race of launching products and making profits, many skin care companies keep the quality aside and pose a risk to the health of end consumer.
I am talking about many cheap skin care products, which are available in every nook and corner of the market.
The makers of such product do not think even once before using harmful ingredients in their products.
All they are concerned about is their profit margins.
By using such cheap skin care products, you expose yourself to many perils of harmful ingredients.
Read on to find out.
Many products consist of an ingredient called Mineral Oil.
It is used a viscous base in creams and lotions to provide moisture to the skin.
For you information, mineral oil is a petroleum by product, its molecules are so thick that they cannot penetrate the skin.
Rather they clog the skin pores.
Eventually your skin is not able to get rid of toxins and all the waste substances remain trapped in the skin.
The result is acne, blemishes, and black heads.
You can find Mineral oil in almost all cheap skin care products.
pH Adjusters: They are a group of chemicals used as softeners in skin care products.
These chemicals cause irritation in the eyes, dryness in skin and hair and if used over a long period they can get absorbed in the body and lead to further complications.
Toluene: This is by far the most common chemical used in synthetic fragrances because it is easily available and is very cheap.
Constant exposure to Toluene may lead to anemic conditions, and lowered blood cell count.
It can also lead to liver or kidney damage.
I was shocked to know that it may pose dangers even to a developing fetus.
There are many such ingredients that you need to avoid; the list is endless.
In such a situation the sanity says, start using natural skin products.
Such products consist of ingredients, which are extracted from natural sources only.
They do not have any side effects and give superlative results because they target the root cause of various imperfections of the skin.
Still, you will need to make the final call, never trust anybody else but you.
Read the ingredients list; make sure that all the ingredients are natural and safe.
Once you are satisfied then only buy the product.
In a nutshell, I will say only one thing, you do not have to waste your hard earned money on cheap skin care products.
Such products might turn out harmful for the skin.
Visit my website Skin Health Solution today to learn how to identify cheap skin care products and stay away from them.