In order to be the best person that you can possibly be, you must be able to maintain a state of peace and joy within yourself.
Let's face it, if you are living your life in a state of turmoil and discouragement you are not operating at your highest capabilities nor are you experiencing your best possible life now.
This article discusses three basic but powerful steps that you can apply in your life now in order to achieve an inner state of peace and joy regardless of outside circumstances.
The three steps are 1) Make a Decision 2) Let Go and 3) Be Positive The first step in achieving inner peace and joy is to decide that regardless of outside circumstances, you are going to maintain inner peace and joy.
When you make the decision not to be moved by outside circumstances, you are taking control over your mental state of being.
Even when you are confronted with challenges, such as a change in a relationship, getting behind on your bills, transferring careers etc.
you have to remain unmovable in your decision not to let your circumstance effect your inner peace and joy.
The way that you are going to remain unmovable in turbulent times is by finding something positive to focus on and something to be thankful for.
When you consistently express gratitude, it takes your mind off of what you do not want and places your focus on more of what you do want.
The expression of gratitude will wipe away your despair and give you the peaceful state of mind that you will need in order to move forward and overcome your challenges.
The second step in maintaining inner peace and joy is to choose to let go of all negative emotions that you have attached to people, places and things.
Letting go is a major player in maintaining inner peace and joy.
The following exercise will explain.
The first thing I want you to do is to spend a couple of minutes focusing on something that you really enjoy.
While you are focusing on what you enjoy pay close attention to your emotional response.
Were you smiling? The second thing I want you to do is spend a couple of minutes focusing on something that you are not fond of.
Again, notice your emotional response when you focus on what you are not fond of.
Were you frowning? The point is, you will experience a negative or positive emotional response based on if your perception of a person or event is negative or positive.
If you want to maintain inner peace and joy you must let go of all negative emotions and focus on things that bring you joy and give you peace.
The third step in maintaining inner peace and joy is to choose to live your life with a positive attitude by focusing only on the highest and best in everything.
Remember that you will have an emotional response based on your perception of your experiences as being positive or negative.
When you stay focused on seeing the best and highest in all people you are inviting joy and peace in your life because you are only seeing the good.
When you see only the good, you are going to smile.
Along with having a positive attitude you are also going to choose to make right choices.
The right choice for maintaining inner peace and joy is to choose to respond positively when confronted with adverse situations that occurs in your life verses reacting negatively.
When you take time and hold back from reacting negatively to an adverse situation and spend time considering the best possible solution before you respond, you are taking control of maintaining your state of inner peace and joy.
Maintaining inner peace and joy is a choice and when you practice focusing only on the positive in life you are making a choice to take control over inner peace and joy in your life.
I received an email today about a man who was blind and because of unfortunate events that had occurred in his life it was necessary for him to move into a retirement home.
During orientation one of the facility nurses described to the man what his room looked like.
The blind man listened patiently and when the nurse finished speaking, the man stated that he was going to love his room.
The nurse could not comprehend how the blind man could love the room when he had not even entered his room.
The blind man stated that he made a choice long before arriving to the facility that he was going to love the room regardless.
Friends, in order to maintain your inner peace and joy, you have to be like the blind man and wake up every morning with the mindset that you are going to live your life to the fullest in peace and with joy, regardless of whatever is going on in the world around you.
Remember inner peace and joy is a choice.
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