- Improper tanning may cause excessive exposure to UV light.tanning on sobe image by Wimbledon from Fotolia.com
Ultraviolet (UV) light is a type of electromagnetic radiation with a shorter wavelength than that of visible rays of light. The sun and artificial light sources produce these rays. Exposure to UV light has medical consequences. A few of them are beneficial, but extreme amounts may cause health problems.Consult a physician on your potential reaction to UV light in outdoor activities such as tanning on the beach. - Sunburn involves reddening and occasional peeling of the skin after excessive exposure to the sun or artificial UV light. It occurs when the amount of UV light exceeds the body's natural pigment, melanin, which protects the skin. This may occur in less than 15 minutes to a very light-skinned person. Symptoms of sunburn include tender skin that is warm to the touch, blisters, fever, chills, nausea or rash. These phenomena may not appear for 24 hours or longer. Deaths also may occur due to acute sun exposure or result in significant temporary disability. If you want to a get tan, use a tanning lotion that limits the negative effects of UV exposure.
- UV light is a common cause of cataracts, a form of eye damage in which vision becomes clouded. If not treated, cataracts may lead to blindness. Other sorts of eye damage from UV rays include tissue growth that can block vision, and degeneration of the macula, an essential part of the retina. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, buy sunglasses or contact lenses that offer 99 to 100 percent UV protection.
- UV exposure and sunburn, especially during childhood, increases the risk of a serious skin cancer known as melanoma. According to the EPA, 75 percent of skin cancer deaths are caused by melanoma. UV light also may cause other types of skin cancer such as squamous cell carcinomas, tumors that appear as red, scaly patches upon the body. These tumors often begin as skin growths known as actinic keratoses.
- Overexposure to UV light may weaken your immune system as well as the skin's natural defenses. As a result, foreign invaders such as infections have a better chance of infiltrating the body.
- UV light in proper doses can be very helpful for the body. For instance, UV-B light is a source of Vitamin D. Furthermore, it bolsters the immune system and may improve sex drive, blood pressure, heart activity, blood circulation, growth and muscular development.
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