- The Canadian Medical Association Journal featured a cover story entitled "Breast cancer survivors begin to challenge exercise taboos." According to researchers, breast cancer patients who had lymphedema improved their muscle strength and bone health with weightlifting. As a woman you should not only choose to lift weights because a lean and sculpted body boosts metabolism, but for health reasons as well.
- If you're a woman and you want to start lifting weights, determine the reason you want to begin your weightlifting journey. Do you want to lose a specific amount of fat or build muscle? Dale Schoeller, a nutrition researcher at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, says, "When you diet, only about 60 to 75 percent of the weight you lose is actually fat. So if you shed 20 pounds, five or six of those pounds are from nonfat tissue, including muscle, bone and water, leaving your body weaker."
- If you want to get fit or you want strong bones for health reasons, you have to be consistent with your weightlifting exercises. Becoming fit and healthy is a slow process and can take months before you see any results.
- When you begin lifting weights, hire a professional trainer to show you the ropes. Trainers can plan a program based on your particular needs and will make sure you understand the proper weightlifting form, so you avoid injury.
Weightlifting exercises for women are usually slow and controlled methods established for a woman's body. Consult with your doctor if you have any health concerns, especially the amount of weight you should be lifting or any movement limitations.