- 1). Stand behind your seated daughter. Starting just to the right of the middle of her bangs -- or, if she doesn't have bangs, with the hair that's at the very front of her head -- use your hands to divide three even tails of hair. The tails should be directly beside each other. Place the left tail over the middle tail and then the right tail over the new middle tail, which is the former left tail.
- 2). Continue to fold the tails as you gradually gather additional hair into the outside tails, which are the tails on either side of the middle tail. Grab additional hair from behind and around each outside tail to maintain the original size of the outside tails as you continue to braid along the scalp towards the back of her head. You should be collecting all the loose hair from one side of her head as you are doing this.
- 3). Brush the un-braided hair once you reach about 3/4 of the way around the side of her head to avoid any tangling. Continue braiding the hair as a free-strand braid once it's off the head. Free stranding can be accomplished by using the same braiding method of folding tails over each other, but you will not need to gather additional hair into the tails as you go.
- 4). Twist the very end of the braid with your fingers or use a hair tie like an elastic, ribbon or barrette. Some hair is rigid enough that it won't need a hair tie.
- 5). Repeat all steps on the other side of the head.
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