Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Natural Remedies for Bladder Infection-Home Remedies Can be Very Effective Treatment

Natural Remedies for Bladder Infection

Bladder infection can be very uncomfortable and painful. If you have been diagnosed with bladder infection and would rather not use prescription medication, then you should be happy to know there is natural remedies for bladder infection easily available.Bladder infection is common in women and it occurs when bacteria gets into the urinary tract causing pain and discomfort. Bladder infection is not normally serious and if treated timely will go away in a couple of days. One of the treatments most commonly used for this type of infection is an antibiotics which would be prescribed by your physician; however home remedies can be very effective. Mild cases of bladder infection can be treated using natural treatments.

Symptoms of an infection of the bladder include frequent and painful urination, unpleasant smelling urine and sometimes there might be signs of blood in the urine. This infection can be quickly developed starting with mild symptoms which can progressively get worse. More severe cases of bladder infection would include fever as well as abdominal or pelvic pain.

To help get rid of bacteria in your urinary tract, it is recommended to drink lots of water each day. Water helps to flush out unwanted toxins and bacteria and will be a natural bladder infection cure. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Beverages such as sodas, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided when treating bladder infection as they can slow down your recovery process.

Natural remedies for bladder infection should include cranberry juice. Drink natural cranberry juice throughout the day will help to flush your system getting rid of bacteria.

Vinegar has many healing benefits and it has been shown to help cure bladder infection. It aids in fighting infection as it raises the acidity in the urine. To use vinegar as a natural remedy for bladder infection combine one pinch of salt, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, two teaspoons of cinnamon with eight to ten ounces of warm water. Mix together and drink several times per day until your bladder infection symptoms completely disappear.

You can also try vinegar mixed with honey and water. This is also a good natural cure for bladder infection. Drink the mixture several times daily to get the best result.

Another great natural remedy for bladder infection includes green tea. Green tea contains polyphenol which stops bacteria growth. It prevents the spread of infection and it works quickly as it contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants which are all necessary to have healthy body.

Eating foods that are high in fiber is another way to flush the system of bacteria.   Eating three to four grams of fiber in your diet along with drinking lots of water will help to flush your system while curing the infection. It will also help prevent any recurrence in the future.

Improving your overall immune system can greatly lower your chance of getting bladder infection. Keep your immune system functioning properly by avoiding stress, eating healthy, exercising and take a good multi vitamin supplement to keep your body in top form.

You can find natural remedies for bladder infection by looking in your very own kitchen. They are inexpensive and do not come with any side effects.

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