Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Get Your Ex Back Into Your Life? Pull Your Ex Back Into Your Life & Re-Gain Some Peace

Can't stop thinking about that one that got away? Not over your most recent ex? It might have been only months since the breakup, and it could have been years.
Regardless, time can heal even in small doses.
There is always a chance to get someone back, at least as a friend if nothing else.
Make Sure You Really Want This Person in Your Life Again Just because you want something doesn't mean it's good for you.
So be very honest with yourself and think about whether or not your ex belongs back in your world.
There was probably a very good reason for the breakup, and that reason should not be forgotten.
Throw Away All Delusions Before you begin your attempt to start another relationship of some type with your ex, make sure your mind is free of all delusional thoughts regarding them.
Do they really want you around again? Did you do something very hurtful that they still haven't forgiven you for? Are they in a new relationship and you've already been told to back off? Be smart about your choice of action.
The Three Options If you have not seen your ex since the breakup and there has been no communication, then this an all get a bit tricky.
Essentially, you have three choices when it comes to the very first time you see your ex in person again: A.
You can let it go and leave it all to chance.
, B.
You can pretend its chance while planning to pounce at the very first opportunity, and C.
You can drop the pretending act and be upfront by just calling the ex and asking them to hang out/go out.
Keep Your Eyes Open For Any Opportunities Some detective work might be needed if you and your ex have ceased all communication.
You're totally out of the loop on crucial info like your ex's job status, if they've moved, etc.
If you see each other at mutual locations and it's very uncomfortable, etc.
, then you have a decent shot.
The problem is that you haven't spoken to each other in so long that not only have you both forgotten how, but you're both terrified.
Pick the right place and time to say your first words to your ex again.
If you are not in the same location and/or circle of friends, then the more you know about them the better.
This is where your detective work can come in handy.
Remember all the hobbies and main interests your ex had and write them down; any store, meeting, organization, etc.
involving these things can be the place you find your ex and run into them again.
Respect Your Ex's Boundaries and Don't Cross the Line Light detective work is fine.
Hiring a private detective to follow your ex around? Not such a good idea.
Driving by their house? Also not good.
Don't cross that line into Stalker Town.
If you act like a psycho, the only thing it will accomplish is that you will be treated like a psycho.
Within Limits
Once you're speaking to the ex again, be genuine and honest.
No matter how tempting it may be to lie in order to be more impressive to the one you've missed so much, you must resist the urge.
Your life is what it is, and you don't ever want to get caught in a lie like.
No Pressure Bye now hopefully your ex is back in your life somewhat.
Since that was your primarily goal, don't get greedy.
Don't push right away for a sexual relationship to reconvene; likewise, emotional pressure is just as bad.
Take it slow and just appreciate each others' company for now.

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