Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Save a Marriage - Committing to Saving Your Marriage

The basis for a strong foundation in marriage is commitment.
First of all, commitment is responsibility to the relationship as a whole.
Commitment includes loyalty, devotion, and dedication.
Many counselors and other advice givers will throw the word commitment out there and just let it dangle on its own.
The fact is, it does matter what you are committed to.
Did you commit to love? To that particular person? Or did you commit to the marriage itself? Committing to love or to a person, as a foundation for your marriage, is a dangerous and shaky pursuit.
Feelings change as we grow older.
Feelings toward one another shift over the course of time.
It is also a fact that people change.
If you are committed to the 'love' part of the relationship, that is not a bad thing, however it does not need to be the only thing.
If you are committed to your spouse, well, that is not a bad thing either.
There has to be loyalty to the person you are married to.
Just keep in mind that anything that can change on its own, people and emotions, is not a firm foundation.
Sometimes, the younger you were when you married, the more difficult it will be to stay committed.
That foundation is what you need in order to make your marriage strong and indestructible.
Commitment must be made to the marriage.
You stated in your vows to stick around for the duration, through anything, poverty or wealth, sickness or health.
Make staying married your goal.
You may not feel the same way you used to about your spouse.
Those gushy love feelings have faded.
The things you once thought endearing now drives you nuts.
If you have committed to the whole relationship, the total life partnership, then your marriage can remain steady and strong.
You may not have thought of this or made that commitment when you first uttered those love filled vows.
Maybe your marriage is in a somewhat uncertain stage.
It is not too late to commit.
The marriage vows are an agreement between two people, dedication to those vows first and foremost will strengthen the foundation of your marriage.
When the love fades and the person you married changes into someone you may think you do not recognize, the loyalty to the vows will keep you together.
(If you are in an abusive relationship, of course, you may not need to 'stay married'.
Seek help immediately.

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