f you really want to put on body weight then just double the intake of whatever food it is that you had earlier.
Don't be a procrastinator and get started right away.
If you are in the habit of consuming one bowl of salad, start consuming 2 bowls of salad instead.
If you are in the habit of eating two slices of bread for breakfast, double it up to consume four slices of bread instead, for your breakfast.
If you like to eat a handful of dry fruits, while snacking in the evening, double it up to two handfuls of dry fruits in the evening.
If you are consuming one glass of milk in the night, make it two glasses of milk instead and so on.
Just keep on doubling all that you consume in general.
Avoid zero energy, zero nutrition food, such as junk food.
For all you know, you must be just a couple of meals short of getting the attention of all those sexy goddesses across beaches and bars.
Now that is really interesting conversation going on here, right? So then you must be agreeable on the fact that it does you no harm now to pump up a few extra delicious calories, into your system.
It is a must therefore that you will need to consume at least some amount of food in every 2 to 3 hours.
An easy way to set a reminder in every 2 to 3 hours is to simply time an alarm to set off after every 2 hours in a day, reminding you to eat your 2-hourly meal throughout the day time.
It is a must to eat something, as soon as you wake up early in the morning.
You should eat your first nutritious meal, preferably any big fruit, as soon as you wake up, before the first 15 minutes of opening your eyes in the morning.
It is a good habit to rise by at least 6 or 7 am in the morning.
In one hour from your first fruit meal, prepare yourself a big hot bowl of nutritionally rich breakfast, like whole grain porridge or mixed-grain porridge etc or boiled vegetable soup etc.
After this, you must eat a mini-meal, once every two hours, till 7 pm in the evening.
Drink two glasses of pain milk before going to sleep, as milk contains tryptophans, which can induce a deep, restful sleep.
F you really wish to get bulky and huge, and then get large vessels like large bowls and plates to eat, so that you may eat larger portions each time.
The logic behind this is simple.
If as a skinny guy, you find it hard to finish your meal, then probably eating from a really large-sized bowl, will make the large quantity of food look smaller than what you would have felt if you were to eat from multiple servings in a small place or bowl.
Do not even bother doing weight training when you are hungry or tired.
Not early in the morning if you have had just one fruit.
Not late in the evening when your batteries are down after all that exhausting work throughout the day.
You must head for the gym after you have had at least a minimum 3 meals, which are your first 3 meals in the morning.
So say u have a fruit or two at 6 am, a hot bowl of mixed whole grain porridge at 7 am, and two handfuls of dry fruits at 9 am, then you can head for the gym at 9:45 am, alternatively, you can head to the gym after the largest meal of the day, because if your do not feed yourself, you will not be able to feed your muscles to bulk up, and in fact a hungry stomach or exhausted body will make u even more scrawny.
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