With all of the technical training, details, technology and writing involved with online business creation, there is one aspect that never seems to get the attention it merits.
This aspect determines your success, it actually means the difference between getting there, and failing for years.
This is your state of mind, and the underlying thought processes going on behind the scenes while you are working.
Because we are working on the internet, most people focus on the technical skills: WordPress skills, Graphics skills, Writing skills, Sales Copy writing, and so it goes on.
There is a famous thought experiment described by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935.
This experiment goes something like this: You take a strong box with a hinged lid, you place a fragile glass capsule filled with pure Cyanide and a little rig whereby a decaying radioactive particle releases a hammer to break the glass (the cat cannot interfere), then you put in a pussy cat; waiting for a couple of hours you then open the lid-the cat occupies both a dead and alive condition prior to opening the lid.
What does this prove, and why should you care? Really, this was the first stirrings of quantum mechanics, and this led to a discovery concerning the effect our mind has on our lives.
Now, there have been lots of research papers and highly technical scientific literature released about this; I am not about to describe this to you it would bore you silly, and you will already be fatigued from reading the above block of text if current trends are accurate.
What is important is that you know how important your attitude is in influencing your life; as you think and dream so you create your life.
The whole concept of 'The Secret' is based loosely on this science, but I would say a lot of people misunderstood this, and thought it was all about using your will power to visualise what you desired, or the 'positive affirmations'; nope it is all about more what people call faith, what you expect to happen.
We are trained to be 'sensible and realistic' and this is our undoing.
In actual fact you should be dreaming big, and believing it; but not only this, you actually have to (Drum Roll...
) Take Action consistently! Don't fool yourself that you are being intelligent, realistic-forget the inner parent voice, what has it done for you so-far? We have to have the courage to change the way we think, it is comfortable to hide in the shadows of our disbelief because nothing needs to be challenged-it is only when we take the big risk and admit we don't really know what is possible, and that anything really is possible...
think more Dr Seuss-like! When we believe in our big dreams we tend to make choices and act in a certain way, this translates as being exactly what is required to accomplish those dreams; it makes ultimate and beautiful sense.
So to attain success in online business, as in any other sphere of life, you need to have the right mind set, the right attitude.
The tendency of people hunting for quick money making techniques online is completely and utterly the wrong direction.
If you are one of these people that seeks out 'fast cash' online I challenge you to stop, and consider what you have achieved so far-do you really think there is a technical 'loop hole' that will deliver secret millions? Forget it! Aint gonna happen; it is up to you but you are wasting your time-would you rather not have a sustainable business you can be proud of that delivers a good income through helping people in some way? The dreaded 'freebie seeker' is doomed to continual failure and disappointment, but unfortunately this type of person seems to be unwilling to listen to anyone, think they know it all and will never create anything other than a hard drive full of useless 'hacks' rubbish and bad information.
If you want to know the true story, want to improve your life, want to build a sustainable online business you must leave all of this 'freebie seeking' behind you.
What do you want, a 'loophole' that some mythical hacker has found to make a few bucks? In all of my experience working with IT and internet technology, being online since 1996 I have not discovered any legitimate method to make quick money that requires no effort; if you have, then let me know, then I can retire to a tropical island.
You have to put in effort, you have to learn and you have to create something of value for some particular group of people; or present offers that someone else has created as an affiliate-but it is not easy, and it takes time.
Reality bites.
So, what does work? I have spoken about state of mind, and doing things in a certain way; self discipline is probably the key here.
The one quality we all have problems with, the most dreary to talk about.
But you cannot achieve anything without it.
In order to create a business online you must sacrifice other things, your free time must include learning how to do things, writing ebooks, how to find people who can help you do graphics work, how to make videos; you have to choose the area you want to work within and commence creating something of value, then people will purchase items from you and you will make money.
That is the formula, the fact that we work online is not relevant to the basic realities of business-the Internet is simply a medium of communication and information storage and retrieval.
We need to get over the technology and think about what we want to do.
Once you have made that mental leap it all becomes so much easier, you know what you have to do and you can get involved.
One of the biggest problems I have heard people describe is actually choosing a direction, where to go, what area to work in, which niche to choose? Bob Proctor talks about following your soul, your inner voice, and I agree with him, so do many others.
You know your direction, you just won't listen to yourself, you keep thinking 'What will my friends and family think' stop this talk, and allow yourself to just sit with what you love to do, what you know about, what you want to do.
This is the right direction I think.
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