I've operated a home based business for the past seven years and I'm a success.
I'm successful beyond my wildest dreams.
I'm so successful in fact that I'm in a position to share with other home business entrepreneurs the secret to my success.
Get an Assistant.
If you're determined to be taken seriously in your home based business endeavor it's essential that you get an assistant in addition to your wife, or your husband who undoubtedly function as your secretary.
No matter how little your home based business calls upon you to do, get someone to help you do the little that you do.
When you embark upon the journey of home business building you can't think small.
If you think you don't have enough to do for both your significant other and an assistant, you're small minded.
Small minded people can't be successful.
I hired my first assistant after being in business for three months.
His name was Andre.
Andre was a cretin.
He was also the valedictorian of his high school remedial reading class.
After intense labor negotiations with Andre, I was able to convince Andre that he should pay me the minimum wage for letting him work for me.
I found that as soon as I added Andre around the closet I called my home office, the time it took to do many jobs magically doubled.
It took Andre at least four hours a day to go from my closet to my kitchen to fetch coffee.
Andre spent an hour each day planning vacation schedules for me and my secretary wife, while the wife and I spent our afternoons out of the home office looking for the right office equipment of our home office closet.
I've attended hundreds of seminars on how to start a home based business.
At these seminars I've rubbed elbows with other CEO's like myself.
I've noticed that the home based CEO's that go the farthest the fastest are the ones who make the fewest mistakes.
Here's where Andre made himself an invaluable asset to my business.
Andre made all the mistakes for me! Whenever mistakes were made around the closet, I could blame Andre.
Here's an example.
One morning I decided I didn't want to stuff envelopes with sales letters.
So I gave the task to Andre.
Andre promptly used a stapler to staple two hundred direct mail letters shut rather than lick the envelope flap to seal the letter.
I called Andre into a corner of the closet and gave him a good reprimand for making such a huge mistake.
"To make up for this mistake Andre, you're going to have to pay me an additional one dollar an hour to work here.
" I said.
Andre was responsible for my bank account getting larger by the month.
The one decision I did make was that I would never let Andre leave me.
You know, if you use your head, you can make it appear as though you have a very important home based business without actually doing anything at all.
I send Andre to meetings in my place.
Andre is my Doppleganger at meetings with my psychiatrist.
If someone wants to come to my closet office to talk, I tell Andre to see them.
I must say that my business grew over the years because-cretin though he is--Andre gives every visitor to my home based closet office the impression that I have someone more important waiting to see me.
To get ahead in the home based business world, you have to put yourself in a position of power.
To have power you must have people working for you.
Believe me.
The minute you take on an assistant, your business will take on more importance to you, your relatives and your friends.
When you hire an assistant make sure he or she has a good job title.
I mean what would be your stature in the eyes of the world if you were only in charge of an ordinary helper or heaven forbid a gopher? Andre is my Executive Assistant.
I even gave Andre a badge that I pinned on his chest.
Don't forget.
The more important your assistant is, the more important you are.
Five years after I hired Andre he scared me to death.
Andre came into the closet and closed the door behind him.
There was a gleam in Andre's eyes that told me he was about to go postal.
I started saying my prayers.
"I have something important to ask boss.
" "Yes Andre," I said trying to keep the trembling out of my voice.
"What can I do for you?" "I think I need an assistant boss.
" "You need an assistant do you? Hmmmmmm," I said.
This was the beginning of my empire.
My assistant needing an assistant called for a whole new office plan to make room for Andre's assistant.
I moved my wife out of the corner of our closet to a storage room in the basement.
I knocked out a wall of the closet so that Andre and his assistant could be at my beckon call.
I'm happy to report that after seven years in business I have ten cretin assistants helping me to produce worthless widgets that my company Home Business Technologies exports to China.
My home based company is like many of America's best companies that are heavily staffed with assistants that aren't really necessary.
So, if you want to be successful building your home based Internet business you'd better get your self an assistant.
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