Health & Medical Medicine

The Importance Of Why Creatine is Safe

As a brief introduction, Creatine is the organic acid stored in the muscles that helps with muscle energy. The amounts present in the body is based on the muscle mass of the individual. Since creatine supplements have been developed, a person would ask the next logical questions: is it safe and why?

A first not would be to say that as long as the recommended dosages are followed and that creating is not being abuses, then harmful effects are minimal. So, assuming this, let's take a look at some of the attendant issues of creatine intake.

Experts have performed numerous studies on creatine and they all show the same thing: that it is definitely a safe supplement. The very few side effects of creatine are mild and can be handled. These include an upset stomach, some muscle cramping, diarrhea and dehydration. Most of these side effects can be further handled by drink a lot of water when taking the creatine supplement. The method of delivery also seems to matter in terms of side effects. People who take the creatine supplement in powder form seem to experience more side effects than those who take in as a serum or effervescent powder. Does this mean that one form is better than the other? Not necessarily. It all goes back to need and function. When using a serum over a powder, less creatine is ingested therefore lessening the work the body's kidneys and liver have to perform. In the end, it is all a matter of taking the right amount of creatine- small enough to produce the desired effect.

Creatine has no direct effect on hormone levels. This supplement is completely different from contraceptives or other forms of Hormone Replacement Therapy. Consequently, you do not get the hormonal side effects of bad skin and mood swings. Statistics show that 95t% of people who take the creatine supplement are fine but, of course, this is still dependent on the acceptance of each individual's system.

Long term side effects are also things a person would want to consider. And what are these when taking a creating supplement? Well, studies have been less exhaustive on this score. Not enough long term studies have been performed to produce conclusive evidence to speak of with such finality. A lot of speculation has resulted from this fact.

Experts are in agreement that using the recommended dosages should pose no health risks. This should be done in combination with a specified amount of time. While no study has been conducted on the use of creatine for more that 3 months, this is now changing. On November 12, 1999, two long term creatine studies were presented from the Exercise and Sport Nutrition Lab from the University of Memphis. This was done during the 19th Annual Southwest American College of Sports Medicine Meeting. In both studies, evidence was gathered that seemed to show that usage of creatine for nine months in athletes had no real negative side effects. And these results were taken by checking the renal and muscle functions with liver enzymes of the test athletes. The test subjects were compared to athletes who were not taking creatine.

On an even more positive note, studies have also shown that creatine can also help reduce the chances of an individual getting heart disease and later stage diabetes. Evidence showed that the study group had a significant decrease in their cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels after taking the supplement for over 51 days.

Again, these studies were all done with a controlled amount of creatine intake. There have been questions asked about the negative effects of creatine on the liver and kidneys. With any abuse there is bound to be a break down. This is the same for creatine abuse. When creatine supplements are taken, more creatine is produced and excreted. Whatever the body does not use is then converted to creatinine which is transported from the kidney to the bloodstream and out through urine. An excessive amount of creatine would mean stress on the body functions in producing these higher levels and excreting the chemical waste molecules that are a result of unused creatine.

What does this all mean then? Does this mean that creatine is safe to take? Do those studies mean that there is a guarantee of this safety? Absolutely not. Like the nature of all on-going scientific studies, it is difficult to speak of absolutes when still in the experimental stage. New studies however are being done more and more. The best advice to give would be to go over your options with your doctor. Who would be in a better position to know your medical limitations than the family physician? With all the data out there, it is really up to the individual to interpret and act.

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