Health & Medical Parenting

Stomach Flu in Children

Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is a condition when the stomach and intestines get infected and the digestive system is also affected in the bargain.
People normally suffer in this condition due to food, that has been contaminated, or water, which is affected by parasites like bacteria and viruses.
This can also be due to presence of toxins in plants or seafood.
Some people take laxatives to get rid of constipation and this can also cause this condition.
A child who is having gastroenteritis will have an upset stomach and sever cramps.
They will feel very weak and would not like to eat anything.
They will feel like vomiting and also have diarrhea apart from a fever and dehydration.
This period could last for around five days.
The child must be given a lot of fluids to avoid dehydration and this will also prevent the condition from becoming worse.
The body loses a lot of water and salt during this time period.
Hence water alone will not be enough during this time.
There are certain specific drinks like pedilite, which helps in reviving the water and salt reserves in the body.
All these can be easily procured from the nearest drug store.
They are available in different flavors and they can also be digested easily.
Sugar and water should not be added to these drinks since they contain the right amount of salt, water and sugar, which the body needs.
Adding anything extra to these drinks can delay the recovery.
If the child is vomiting regularly, then the fluid should be given using a spoon at two-minute intervals.
The quantity should be gradually increased.
These drinks can also be combined with ice chips for a child who is vomiting.
They will supply the body with the required amount of fluids.
Until the diarrhea is over, the process should be repeated.
But if the condition does not improve after 24 hours, then a doctor will have to be consulted.
Soft drinks, sports drinks, chicken broth and apple juice are good for general health but they will not provide the body with the right amount of salt, water and sugar and they can cause the health of the child to deteriorate in this state.
If the child does not get the required amount of fluids then it will have eyes, which look sunken, a dry mouth, continuous thirst, less urination and an irregular sleep pattern.
All kinds of fried and spicy foods as well as foods rich in sugar should be avoided at all costs during this time.
Make sure you wash your hands before making food for your child.
A doctor should be consulted if the condition does not improve in 24 hours and you might need to take the child to the emergency room if there is blood or a green substance in the vomit.
Blood tests and stool tests will have to be taken before any antibiotics are prescribed.
An anti nausea medicine will be prescribed to curtail further vomiting.
If too much of fluid has been lost, the child might have to be admitted to the hospital where she would be given a glucose drip.
The doctor will check the progress of the child continuously and see whether she is responding positively to the treatment.

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