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Today's Bible Verse:
Psalm 95:4In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also.(ESV)
Today's Inspiring Thought: In His Hands
Recently, 33 Chilean miners were rescued from the depths of the earth after being trapped for more than two months. During their long captivity they were sent an MP3 audio version of the Jesus film from Campus Crusade for Christ International.
In the days waiting to be rescued, one miner, Jose Henriquez, passed along a letter of thanks to Chile's Campus Crusade for Christ director. He wrote, "Thank you for this tremendous blessing for me and my coworkers. It will be good for our spiritual edification. I am fine because Christ lives in me." Henriquez closed his letter with this passage in Psalm 95:4, "In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him."
Are you deep in a pit today? Remember, no matter where you find yourself, you are safe in his hands. No matter what you're going through, you are fine because Christ lives in you.
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