Society & Culture & Entertainment Society & Culture Misc

What To Do If A Gunman Walks Into Your Classroom

To think that a random murderous gunman could even possibly appear in your or your child's classroom is a horrible notion.
And while the rest of the world analyzes what could have been done to forewarn authorities about potential threats like this (including other countries screaming gun control at us), I can't help but think about how the victims just sat there waiting to be killed.
I don't mean to disrespect their memory, and I fully understand that they were still young adults, but if a gunman chained the doors and methodically began executing people, would you lie down and wait your turn? Even without training, I would have imagined that someone in that predicament would have at least tried to stop the shooter.
Throw a desk, a textbook, jumped at him, whatever.
Unfortunately, the same conditioning elements (violent media, video games, etc.
) that romanticize these kind of killings (go read On Combat by Grossman) also seem to pacify the "hero" mechanism within most people today.
Without beating around the bush, here's exactly what you should do (and pass on to your kids and family) if a gun ever presents itself.
1) Run.
Those kids from Va.
Tech who immediately jumped out the window had the right idea.
You see a weapon; get as far away as possible.
If that means jumping out a 2nd story window and breaking your leg, fine.
If it means running as fast as you can to a known safe area, fine too.
Get the heck out of there at all costs.
2) Get offline ASAP.
Statistics show an absolutely incredible decline in ability to hit a moving target with a firearm when target reacquisition is necessary.
And that's with highly trained shooters.
If you step offline from wherever the gun is pointed, your survival rate just took a HUGE turn for the better.
3) Drive back in.
Can't run? Got offline? Good, now take the fight back to him.
Drive that psycho back on his heels and edge of hand him into the ground.
Don't worry about stripping the gun or disarming him as it's almost impossible to shoot (even a close target) while being beat to death.
Let the media play "Monday morning quarterback" and talk about the "signs" and how the attacks could have been "prevented".
Your task is to be proactive and go pass this stuff onto someone.
And if they pass it on, and so on, perhaps the next time a kid (or terrorist) with a weapon might be put down even before a single person is injured.

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