You've probably heard of a new way to lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks on the Rachael Ray show.
The best way to lose that much weight permanently is through something called calorie shifting.
Unlike every other diet which focuses on minimizing calories and lowering the amount of calories consumed daily, which means you slow down your metabolism as a result.
Calorie shifting focuses its attention onto the real problem.
A slow metabolism.
In this article I'll give you a breakdown of how calorie shifting works, as well as provide a way to start doing it immediately.
How does Calorie Shifting Work? Essentially what you do is eat a diet that is constantly changing from day to day.
You still eat 3-4 full meals every day, but the make-up of the diet will be different in terms of the calories involved.
For instance one meal will focus more onto protein based foods, the next day you will be eating more beneficial fat foods etc.
This constant changing stimulates your metabolism to become alert and burn fat continually.
You see when you eat a relatively similar diet from day to day your body adapts and as a result your metabolism slows down because it essentially knows the plan of whats coming into the body.
When you change this up your body will activate its metabolism and keep it going at an elevated rate.
The reason this diet works so well is that you are changing the way your metabolism acts in the body, from a sluggish response to a much quicker and active metabolism.
How can I start doing it? The best way to start calorie shifting is to get a calorie shifting meal plan or software program that will provide all your food options from day to day.
This program or plan will tell you what foods you can eat from day to day.
The beauty is you can eat normal sized portions of these foods every day and still lose 25 pounds in 3 weeks!
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