Ever wondered why weeks of long hard work has not resulted in 6-pack abs? You have done all the crunches and sit-ups that your body could possibly stomach, but those 6-pack abs remain elusive.
The reason for this is that you have probably forgotten about the layer of fat that covers the abdominal muscles.
Your 6-pack abs are most likely there, but unfortunately, they are hidden under the cover of fat.
No amount of exercising is going to get rid of that fat layer.
How do you get rid of this fat layer? Well it is easier than you think.
All you have to do is change the way your eat.
Most of us are used to eating 3 meals a day.
Unfortunately, these meals tend to be large.
The problem is that the body only burns the fuel that it needs.
When a large meal is eaten, only a portion of this is burned for energy needed.
The rest is stored as fat.
Exercise helps to keep the fat in check.
However, when more fuel is supplied than needed, the fat will remain and build up in time.
By eating 6 smaller meals per day, the metabolism is increased, and the fuel is then burned much more efficiently.
Any excess fat will be used up at an increased rate.
Eating carbohydrates will not lead to increased fat levels if consumed correctly.
Carbs should be eaten before a rigorous workout session.
This provides the body with sufficient energy to work the muscles.
It is after the workout session that carbohydrates should be avoided.
During this time, it is better to eat food with high protein levels.
The protein allows the muscles to repair themselves and build up.
This is what is so great about eating six meals a day.
This way of eating allows you to eat the right kinds of food at the right times.
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