Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

What Makes a Guy Fall in Love? Do You Know How to Break Through the "Just Friends" Barrier

How do you push the right buttons to make a guy fall in love? Would you like to go beyond friendship to something more meaningful? Do you spend a lot of time trying to figure out where your relationship stands? If you are tired of wondering how to make your guy fall in love, read on to learn how to break through the barriers of a stalled relationship.
You have probably heard that if a relationship begins as a friendship, then it will probably never go any further.
On the other hand, if a relationship is based purely on physical attraction, it will fizzle out when the excitement wears off.
So how do you establish a foundation that will stand the test of time, and at the same time keep you out of the "just friends" club? Avoid approval seeking behavior.
One mistake a lot of women make when trying to create a strong emotional bond with a man is to engage in approval seeking behavior.
For instance, if you find out the guy you like is a big fan of a particular TV show, it may seem like a good idea to immerse yourself into that show, let him know how much you like it too, and talk to him about it frequently.
After all, aren't common interests the basis for any good relationship? Another example of approval seeking behavior is agreeing with everything a guy says or does.
If you ever want a man to see you as anything other than a friend, you must avoid being a people pleaser.
Only insecure men with control issues are attracted to this personality type.
Why is approval seeking so detrimental to a relationship? It sends a couple of negative messages to the guy you are interested in.
First, this is a warning sign of an insecure person, and men are naturally turned off by insecurity in a woman.
If you find yourself always trying to please other people, or if you are afraid people won't like you if you disagree with them, it's time to do some soul searching.
Try to get to the bottom of your need for approval.
It likely stems from an earlier form of rejection from parents or some other close and respected person in your life.
Second, it doesn't allow you to display your unique, individual traits that make you such a fascinating person.
Men respond much better when you challenge them in some way.
Even if you do agree with him on a particular topic or like what he likes, play the devil's advocate for fun.
This lets a guy know that you are both intelligent and cute.
If you want to make a guy fall in love, show him that you stand out from the crowd.
Let him know that you aren't ashamed of being who you are.
Delay physical intimacy.
Another trap you must avoid is to assume that a physical relationship will help establish an emotional bond with a guy.
Since that is how it works for us, we tend to believe that is how it works for men.
Don't deceive yourself.
If that sounds old fashioned, give it a try and see how you feel about yourself and how men respond to you.
What have you got to lose? You will find that you are able to walk away from relationships much more easily when you don't get intimate too soon.
You are demonstrating that you value yourself and that he has to be worthy of you before you will take that step.
If you want to make a guy fall in love, only give a little bit of yourself at a time.
Putting it all out there at once doesn't give him anything to look forward to.

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