If I asked "Why do we need to take showers?" the answer would probably be something about keeping good bodily hygiene.
Well, the answer to "Why do we need to meditate?" would be very similar in nature.
Simply put, meditating helps one keep good mental and spiritual hygiene.
It's frowned upon in our society to go out into public reaking of bacterial odors.
Why? Partly because its really hard to focus when the person next to you smells like they've never taken a shower before.
People will turn in the other direction and run from the person who smells of perpetual body odor, making it hard for the "stinker" to survive.
How does one even buy a meal when the cashier can't stand in front of them long enough to ring up the order? Albeit this example is a little derived, it stands to highlight the fact that people's "stinky attitudes" can have the same effect.
If one doesn't regularly clean their mind out from the pollution of violence and hatred in our daily imagery, then that person's thoughts, words, and actions will reak of this toxicity too.
This brings to mind a wise Toaist saying: "Watch what you think for they become your words.
Watch what you say for they become your actions.
Watch your actions as they become your habits.
Watch your habits as they become your fate.
" I interpret this to mean, simply, that thoughts lead to words that, in turn, lead to actions.
Every action has a consequence.
So If the chain reaction is supported by positive thoughts, doesn't it make sense that it will have a positive consequence? There is a strong correlation between the quality of your thoughts and the quality of what you get from life.
The more positive your thinking is, the more positive your outcomes will be; and the more consistently you do it, the greater the effect is too! We can practice meditation to clear out all the negative, enthusiasm-killing, thoughts in our mind and replace them with positive, uplifting, and energizing thoughts.
Then there is no limit to the amount of happiness for us to have! Meditate and Be Happy!