Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

5 Things You Can Do to Prevent Lung Cancer.

Lung cancer is a form that is quite difficult to treat. Simply put lung cancer is the cancer affecting the lung tissues making it difficult for exchange of gases in the respiratory system. It is very elusive and hence difficult to diagnose. The symptoms are not out of the ordinary and hence can mislead the physician.

The patients suffer a lot and treatment is limited and localized. Prevention is the best form of cure as far as cancer is concerned since all forms of cancer are torturous to the mind and body of the individual. Prevention is easier where lung cancer is concerned. Avoiding risk causing substances, the chances of developing it can be reduced or its occurrence can be prolonged.

Things That Can Be Done To Prevent Lung Cancer Are:

Quit Smoking:

The first and the foremost factor is, of course, smoking. This is the main cause of lung cancer. An estimated 87% deaths occur due to lung cancer caused by smoking. Make your body tobacco free. This is the best defense possible against lung cancer. Kicking the habit might be difficult but certainly would be better than suffering from cancer of the lung. Another aspect of smoking is the effect it has on people exposed to the smoke.

Secondhand smoke or the smoke emanating from cigarettes, cigars and pipes is carcinogenic. This smoke is known to contain more than sixty carcinogens or agents that can trigger the process of cancer development. These carcinogens cause changes in cell division and development. The abnormal divisions give rise to excess number of cells which do not have regulatory processes governing them and hence causes malfunctions leading to malignancies.

Eat fruits and vegetables:

Nature itself has provided us with the chemicals required to fight cancer. Antioxidants and flavanoids are substances that aid in repairing damaged cells and helps in protecting the nuclear material or the DNA. These substances are available in abundance in fruits and vegetables. Consuming five portions of fruits and vegetables in a day will go far in keeping cancer at bay. People who are physically active and fit have lesser chances of being succumbed by cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight would be beneficial.

Avoid Exposure to radon:

Radon is a substance that is highly carcinogenic. Exposure to radon and such other radioactive gases can cause lung cancer. Radon is a byproduct of uranium degradation. This is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas which cannot be detected easily. Homes built over natural deposits of uranium can have radon in them and exposure to this is dangerous. Homes should be checked and test for the presence of this deadly carcinogen.

Avoid Exposure to pollutants in workplace:

Pollutants like gasoline, arsenic, beryllium, vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, mustard gas, coal products, chloro methyl ethers, diesel exhaust are carcinogens or agents causing cancer. Workplace can expose you to these agents and it should be reduced or limited in concordance with the employer.


Many cancer specific natural drugs can some times reverse the process of cancer. These drugs can be taken to prevent cancer from occurring in patients with history of the condition. The area dealing with chemoprevention is under active clinical research.

To Your Health!

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