You often hear people say how they would love to work from home, because they'll be able to spend more time with their loved ones. But too many times when people do join network marketing companies, or other work from home businesses, they typically stay in them for only a few months, then quit. Was it because the opportunity was not good enough? Or was it because they did not treat their home based business as a REAL business.
I would choose the latter. Those that want to work from home need adopt the approach 9-5er's have for their jobs. If you are working for a corporation, you always show up on time, complete all assignments before their due dates, etc. 9-5er's pretty much have a no nonsense approach, because they understand they could get fired if they don't do exactly what is expected from them.
Most people who work from home don't have that pressure and they tend to become lackadaisical. Because they are their own "boss", they believe they don't have to have the same work ethic as if they were still at a 9-5.
This is one of the major issues I see too often, and needs to be corrected. If you want succeed in your business you must
Set Goals: Assign yourself daily and weekly requirements that can be tracked. This way you are constantly on pace, and have direction in completing your goals.
Become a student: Regardless of what industry you are in, those that succeed are the ones who are life long students. This may be listening to podcast's about your niche, subscribing to newsletters, purchasing audiobooks, etc. There is always something new to learn. Even when you get to the point of earning large amounts of money, which you will, don't fall into the trap of being content. This is a sure fire way of staying ahead of your competition.
Support: This may be the most challenging, but have someone in your corner that will support you in your dream. In the real world life isnt always going to be sunny. There will be times that you will feel like giving up, but when u have a support team, they'll be able to pick you back up.
I've spoken with individuals that say their spouses often criticize them for having aspirations of being an entrepreneur. I fully understand that many people don't have that type of support in their immediate circles, but the good news is there are others just like you all around the world. With the power of the internet you'll be able to get that support. Find online forums and chatrooms in your field where you can interact with others going through the same problems you are. When you get to read others testimonials about how they overcome obstacles, it will recharge your battery so you'll make it through the tough times.
These are just a few key steps to take to make sure your journey being your own boss is a great one.
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