- 1). Lay two 20-inch boards flat, parallel, 24 inches apart and set the 24-inch boards between them so they're spaced 20 inches apart and flush with the ends of the 20-inch boards. Set a 20-by-28-inch plywood sheet on top of the boards so the edges are flush and screw the plywood sheet to the boards using 16 screws, four for each board. This is a shelf to your ticket booth. Repeat this step to build the other shelf.
- 2). Position the 20-by-40-inch plywood sheets on their 20-by-40-inch edges so they are parallel and spaced 28 inches apart. Set the shelves perpendicularly between them so they are spaced 23 inches apart and the top shelf is 4 inches away from the ends of the 2-by-40-inch sheets. Screw through the 20-by-40-inch plywood sheets and into the shelves, so that 8 screws enter each shelf.
- 3). Set the 21 1/2-by-40-inch plywood on top of the shelves and the edges of the 20-by-40-inch sheets so the edges are flush. Screw 8 screws through the plywood so four screws enter each shelf. This is the back to your ticket booth; the side that your customers will see.
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