The age of Aquarius is the new age that the world will enter on the 21st of December 2012. Aquarius is one of the 12 zodiac signs. Each zodiac sign has an age. The age will change based mostly on the sign which appears on spring equinox. It is claimed the Age of Aquarius will begins on the 21st of December 2012. December twenty-one is also the final day of the Mayan calendar.
actually , the age was already introduced 1 or 2 years gone. During the early 20 th century, Aleister Crowley started the Golden Dawn cult. Crowley believes the Age of Aquarius had already begun in 1904. He promoted this new age belief and gains some followers. Other analysts such as Carl Jung, Sir Isaac Newton, and Dane Rudyhar have different speculation about the Age of Aquarius.
According to Carl Jung, the Age of Aquarius will happen between 1997 2000. Isaac Newton John predicted that the Age of Aquarius will happen on 2060. Calculations based primarily on the arrival of Christ will reach the opinion that the Age of Aquarius is 2160. Normally, the constellation of the solar system made changes every 2160 year. Essentially, people have legends that the Age of Aquarius implies that the world will experience unity and equality.
Different folks have their own theories concerning the end of the world some individuals think the people will become more disobedient during the age of aquariums. Although some who accept the Age of Aquarius don't believe that the world will become at peace, they do believe that a major change will happen. The change will affect all the inhabitants of the world. There are folks that think that folks will leave earth and go to live in other planets.
The Mayan idea claimed that the Age of Aquarius will cause a significant change to the world . Folk will leave their ruinous natures and become better to each other. Mayan astronomers predicted that Planet X, also known as Planet Nibiru will return and cause doom to the earth. Giant solar blasts will take place and cause the earth to have many natural calamities. According to the Mayans, this is the reason why the world is experiencing so many natural calamities.
Many forums and internet sites have been launched to talk about about the Age of Aquarius. Everybody is concerned to know that whether the end of world will come on the 21st of December 2012. Astronomers speculated that the Age of Pisces will shortly be over shortly because technologies are advancing at quicker pace now. According to astronomers, technologies such as space exploration, computer and web are signs that the world is coming near to the Age of Aquarius. Rock music is also an attribute to the new Age of Aquarius. Some individuals also believe that unusual stuffs like hippies, punk and etc are signs. You can visit websites on the web if you're curious about gaining more information on the Age of Aquarius.
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