Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Signs That Your Marriage is Over

Every married couple has their ups and down and, in some cases, they are able to work through the rough patches and come out stronger than before.
However, if issues persist over time, one or both partners may begin to wonder if there is not an end in sight to their problems.
If this sounds familiar, think about some of these signs that your marriage is over.
In some marriages, infidelity can be a symptom of a problem that has the potential for resolution.
If a couple decides to stay together after one of them has cheated, they need to focus one hundred percent of their energy on fixing what is broken about their relationship.
Repeated cheating, however, is a sign that the person getting involved with someone else has no real intention of making the marriage work and most likely wants it to be over.
If a couple is lacking in intimacy, both physical and emotional, there is a good chance that their marriage is over.
Part of being married means that two people should be able to talk openly and honestly about their hopes, fears and intimate feelings.
If someone can no longer speak to their spouse about anything more serious than the weather, they may be in trouble.
In addition, when physical intimacy is no longer part of a relationship, it usually means that one or both people in the relationship have lost the feelings they once had for their partner.
Every couple argues from time to time but, in a healthy relationship, they learn from their arguments.
Both people should learn how to work together and compromise so that they can resolve their issues together.
A couple that has lost that ability will begin arguing repeatedly over the same things because they do not have the communication skills to solve the problem.
This is a big indicator that they may no longer have the connection they need to make their marriage work.
When two people get married, they expect to be together forever, so the end of a marriage can be very painful.
The entire ordeal will be far less stressful and shocking if you know the signs that your marriage is over and foresee the separation.
After that, the best thing to do is take the necessary steps to establish a happy and fulfilling unmarried life.

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