Whether you are just starting a blog, or reworking a blog you have had for years, here are Ten Key Elements to developing a blog that will keep visitors coming back for more.
Passion: Writing about what you know is not as important as writing about what you are passionate about.
Only your passion will get you to sit down on those days when you may otherwise not feel like writing.
Consistent Schedule: If you have ever subscribed to a newspaper or magazine, there two things you expect: consistent delivery and consistent content.
It is not as important that you blog daily or weekly, as much as it is that your time period is relatively consistent.
Don't blog for ten days straight and then skip a week.
Save your drafts ahead of time and publish them later.
Consistent Content: No one should limit themselves to one single topic in any blog, however, when considering new posts for your blog, keep your readers in mind.
Writing about your cat every few weeks, even in a business blog, can actually endear yourself to your readers, however try not to get too off track with the reasons your readers subscribed to your blog in the first place.
Traffic Flow: If your blog is going to be successful, regardless of how you measure success, you need readers.
Pay attention to what gets the most traffic and with future updates, go with the traffic flow.
Lead by example: For a blog to be successful, it is not good enough just to write about what everyone else is writing about.
The web is cluttered with mediocre websites parroting the same watered-down, dull, tasteless stories.
Be a friend: Engage your audience.
If someone takes the time to comment on your post, take the time to thank them and to respond.
Help them when you can.
Include your biggest commenters in your use blogroll, and if they've written great article that your readers might appreciate, post a link to it in one of your articles.
Ask for help: The second part of being a friend, is asking for friendship.
You do this by asking.
If you want comments - ask! If you need help with an idea for your next article, send an email to those who have commented in the past.
Track everything: Google Analytics and other similar services are invaluable.
Check on your stats on a regular basis to see what people are reading, what they're not reading, where they click on your site and where they do not.
Be You at your Best.
If you're in a bad mood, go for a walk before writing your blog, or responding to comments.
While we are all human, and all have our bad days, remember that everything you write will be appearing in people's offices and homes, and it will be online for a very, very long time.
Fail Fast Forward: If you have a new idea to use in your blog, or an idea to bring visitors to your web page, try it without worrying if it will work or not.
If it doesn't work, just try something else, and then something else, until it works.
Remember most new things don't work the first time.
Be bold in your new endeavors.
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