Understanding how to properly and thoroughly research a subject is the key to good academic writing.
No matter how gifted the writer may be; academic writing is less about their skill and more about the basic facts.
Familiarity with the more traditional forms of research, i.
the library, encyclopedias and other print media is still useful.
But, more and more, researchers are expanding their horizons to include Internet searches and on-line references to augment their research skills.
But, before we get too far ahead, be sure that you are familiar with the formula required in all academic writing.
An extensive source of research material will not avail if the writer forgets the basics.
First, you need a solid hypothesis, a theory you wish to prove or disprove.
You will then formulate a thesis statement, which is simply your hypothesis stated in sentence form as an assertion.
Good academic papers will spell this out in their introductory paragraph or section, depending upon the length of the work.
The body of the paper is then written, following an outline that puts the ideas in comprehensible order.
This is where your facts, garnered via your many resources, should be used to argue for or against your thesis.
Then, you will summarize your findings and restate your thesis in the final, closing paragraph.
The paper will have a cover page and, at the end, a bibliography of all of the sources utilized in researching the paper.
Any pages with direct quotes or references should be properly footnoted.
Academic writing, especially at the college level, are a major part of the overall grading scale for most subjects.
Good academic writing should showcase not only research abilities, but also the student's skill at drawing sound conclusions based on that accumulation of data.
Good grammar, spelling and punctuation are critical.
A brilliant paper that is flawed with poor grammar, misspellings and other basic errors, may not get the mark it deserves.
Good academic writing takes time, and that time plus the student's effort should be evident in the finished product.
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