Business & Finance Home Based Business

MLM Prospecting and the Myth That Everyone Is Your Prospect

The first thing you learn in the network marketing industry is that everyone is your prospect. This means that you should talk to everyone you pass by at any time because they could be the next member of your downline. Then you just need to get through the numbers. You are then made to feel bad if you have not been doing this because you may have missed out on adding a whole lot of members to your downline. This is pretty common training for most if not all MLM companies.

This sort of thinking in MLM prospecting that everyone is your prospect makes sense from the perspective that it is easy to teach. If all you have to do is tell everyone that everyone is your prospect and all you need to do is to talk to people and get through the numbers then the training becomes incredibly simple. This sort of thinking is, unfortunately, bound to stick around for a long time as the training that you receive from your choice MLM company is bound to be strictly about your company itself rather than focusing on time tested marketing procedures, and building a business. It is easier for your MLM company to talk about how great they are, and how everyone needs their product, and everyone wants to join the opportunity than it is to talk about target markets, and real MLM prospecting techniques. Even worse, if you do sign up people who have no intention of building a business you may end up wasting your valuable time working to convince them that they should go to work and build a downline. Plus, unless they go to work and build a business neither you nor they will make any money.

The truth is that not everyone is your prospect. There are people who would never leave their J-O-B. There are others who have no intention of starting their own business. There are some who have no business starting their own business. There is a lot more to MLM prospecting then just talking to anyone and everyone about your opportunity.

Instead you must find those who are interested in building a business. Then show them how you can help them build their business, and achieve their goals. Teach them the prospecting techniques that you use, not the everyone is your prospect myth, and help them to grow their downline. Focus on solid time tested marketing techniques such as targeting your audience. You don't want everyone in your downline, you want those who want to build a business. Learn methods for MLM prospecting and building your downline such as article marketing, video marketing, blogging, list building, social media, and so on. It is also valuable to add a funded proposal system so that you can generate profits even from those who say no to your opportunity. By focusing on adding a select few to your downline rather than attempting to add the masses you will build a bigger, and longer lasting business faster than you can imagine.

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