The sooner you come to terms with the fact that medically, there are few effective and desirable ways of shrinking fibroids naturally, than the better placed you are to deal with them.
Conventional methods will usually involve surgery or hormonal treatment, both of which are only temporary measures as they do not deal with the root causes, the consequence of which is that once treatment is stopped, fibroids will regrow.
Indeed, they are often thought of as so difficult to treat that many doctors advocate doing nothing at all and taking a "wait and see" approach without any real understanding or acknowledgment of how your fibroids might be affecting your day to day quality of life.
Shrinking fibroids naturally from the inside out is the only real answer and if you are prepared to play an active part in your own recovery, then you are well on your way to finally getting relief.
One of the reasons doctors find fibroids difficult to treat is the fact that there can be various root causes and it can be difficult to determine just what the cause has been in an individual.
This means that to be successful, treatment needs to be multifaceted and approach the problem from various areas at once and doctors simply do not have the time or the resources to go through all the various aspects of such treatment, particularly when they are well aware that success depends entirely on the motivation of the individual rather than the efficacy of a pill.
The types of treatment which will be involved if you would like to try shrinking fibroids naturally will revolve around making lifestyle and dietary changes.
Excess estrogen often is a major factor in fibroid formation, so reducing levels is always a good idea.
Losing weight can help to lower levels as excess estrogen is stored in and manufactured by fat cells.
You can also reduce estrogen by looking at the sources of synthetic estrogen which you might have in your body, such as that derived from pesticides and environmental toxins.
Eating a good all-round healthy diet is also beneficial for women with fibroids so you should therefore include at least 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly leafy green ones.
Wash any non-organic produce very well to remove pesticide traces.
Ensuring that you drink at least 2 liters of water is also very important as healthy internal organs need to be well-hydrated.
It is also known that women who take plenty of exercise are less prone to fibroids.
Also, massage of the abdomen is also beneficial for women looking at shrinking fibroids naturally as this is thought to remove congestion and improve blood circulation.