As the magazine industry proliferates, so does the need for writers.
And as is the case in many industries, employers often prefer to use freelance or independent contractor help, instead of having fulltime employees for whom they have to provide benefits, workspace, and other support.
And with computer and Internet technology what it is today, freelance writers can create their articles from anywhere, email them to their editors, and never even have to meet the magazine production staff in person.
But as the task of freelancing and its logistics become easier, so does the competition between freelancers.
Here are four tips to help freelancers who want to write for magazines: 1) Be professional.
Many writers are willing to work for less money, in exchange for the status of being published.
And some do it just as a hobby, because they have other sources of primary income.
While this creates competition, it also means that many writers - or those aspiring to be writers - lack professionalism or talent.
The more you can stick to deadlines, present yourself in an organized way, and write copy that is free of mistakes, the more successful you will be as a freelancer.
2) Be unique.
If you have a background in a particular profession, hobby, or other interest, you may be able to parlay that into a writing job for a specialty magazine.
Some magazines look for woodworkers, some need writers who know about cars or photography, and others need writers who understand wine or home decorating.
If you happen to have some knowledge and experience, you can market yourself to magazines that follow the things you know and enjoy.
3) Communicate with your editor.
Good writers always stay in touch with their editors, without overwhelming them with unnecessary questions.
If you have a problem with a deadline, tell your editor right away.
If you have a question about editorial guidelines, ask an editor.
The better you communicate, the more you will get hired.
4) Focus on what you do best.
If you are really good at interviews but no so good at doing research, then try to write for magazines that favor interviews over investigative reporting.
And if you are a fiction writer who stumbles when it comes to non-fiction, then seek jobs in the fiction category.
Doing what you do best not only makes your job easier, but it allows you to concentrate your energy on jobs that will probably pay you more in the long run.
Freelancing for magazines is not for everyone, but if you have a knack for writing and for managing your own time, then it can afford you great job satisfaction and a chance to work your own hours, from home.
And along the way you'll learn more about the writing craft, so that you can continue to build on your talents and marketable skills.
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