The breast back to back it's very difficult over reproaching but let's say you did %um more protein in your body needs them at that point your body got to do something with it can just store protein your body really can't even see store who goes against or a little bit of glucose like in your muscle cells were all intents and purposes carry the store glucose it can only store body stores energy as body fat journalistic so what do you do if you have access to the Onassis where body says okay I'm going to converted into glucose so let me know asses go as your letter there's a process for parthenogenesis or no new Genesis creation glucose who go so the creation of new glucose.
The only a Genesis so a bunch more calories are burnt during that chemical change but which makes as I just like it talk calories and energy to take chicken breast and turning into amino acids it takes energy to take amino acids and you turn them into sugar bitches glucose and that that's kind just profound for second your body is literally taking water and trained Angeline right leg not literally season but its cause I out in the morning sir amazing its metabolic alchemy is taking one substance and turning into another substance to make sense that you're no spend energy doing that then well now I'm just that good so at this point we followed the same path way we would have a carbohydrate but Weber I'll much more calories in our stuff back and then we burn bunch calories for temple in our lives are so all that happen and you still have to go through all the steps that we did a carbohydrate I weave got the glucose to glucose needs to be meet up with insulin fast selling be converted again blah so.
You have fat which is very efficient you have carbohydrate which is three but say approximately three timeless efficient at be stored body fat and then you're a protein which is times less efficient be sorted by factors that has all those additional steps to go through her why it is GARCINIA X SLIM all this seemingly complex science matter well the reason it matters less use Avery concrete example let's say you 8 a 300 calorie snack if one snack was starch faced and other snack was protein-based track.
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