Nurses today are challenged to make quick and yet critical informed decisions about a variety of client problems occuring, modifuing factors of both the client and their significant other. These roles of the latter are important in several aspects of patient care.This research study focused on the roles of significant others in the care of hypertensive patients. The objective was to determine the contributory roles they could perform in the management of a patient; significant others assist their hypertensive relatives in a number of ways.
Hypertension is a silent killer, being asymptomatic for long until it results finally in end- organ damage. Factors that add to the risk of developing this condition are family history of premature cardiovascular disease, sedentary lifestyle,tobaco use amongst others. Most patients suffering from hypertension do not need hospitalisation. These patients will however need lifestyle modifications and possibly drug therapy through out their lives. Patient self-care and the help from significant others over the long course of the disease is the key to sucessful management. Thus working with a hypertensive will give him/her the chance to live longer and more comfortably. Therefore the family's role in the physical health and psychologic well-being of its members is an ongoing system function that is central to the practice of nursing and medicine.
In the effective management of hypertension, the general aim is the control and restoration of blood pressure to levels defined as normal or optimal. This can be achieved through adherence to a drug treatment and control of other risk factors and lifestyle measures. This study which had as its purpose to determine the contributory roles of significant others in the management of a patient with hypertension, showed that significant others, who form the patient's family, cannot be left out of the care of these patients because they perform crucial roles. These roles have been seen to give rise to a reduction in blood pressure especially in patients cared for by spouses. Generally, female spouses contributed significantly(50%) to the care of the patient. Other persons included male spouses(30%), female caregivers(15%) and male caregivers(5%). They took up roles such as giving medication, seeking resolution for conflicts amongst others.
From these findings, it is concluded that health care systems should design workable policies that incorporate the significant others in the home care of the hypertensive patient. This may also extend to other conditions which are chronic and of long duration.
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