I have seen it over and over again with my clients.
They are so certain they want to go in the direction of A.
Then, one week later, after they have spoken to Mary (who shared her life story) or Jane (who threw in her bits of experience) or Andy (who advised that the only way around it is his way), my clients return and are so very sure that they now want to take a completely opposite direction to their original plan.
My reaction is always the same.
I tell them to stop being like the wind, blowing whichever way others want them to, and turn into a big, solid tree instead and ground themselves in what it is they want.
That image works for many.
They understand that wind blows all over the place, settling nowhere.
The tree is firm but its branches can still reach the skies...
There is more, though, to our ability to achieve than just grounding and being clear about what we want.
The main component of our ability to achieve is our ability to commit to our goals and the way we work on them.
Have you ever wondered why it is that we tend to keep promises to everybody around us and yet we fail to keep them when we are dealing with ourselves? Would you ever consider not turning up for an important meeting with your boss? I bet not.
However, when it comes to your appointment with your exercise time, fun time or just relaxing me-time, you fail.
If you want to turn yourself into a super-achiever (and by achiever I mean achieving the things that YOU want to achieve), do yourself a favor.
Display the same level of commitment to yourself as you would show to anybody else.
Your commitment, together with the solid and clear direction, will bring you exactly where you want to be and possibly in record time too.
Enjoy the ride!
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