When people searching for real estate types your state or city into the Google search box,it is easyto understand that a listing appearing in the top 10 results is getting a huge amount of targeted traffic.
Advertising real estate through proper search engine optimization is a powerful way to increase your leads but most importantly, your sales.
If you are just starting out and are waiting for your website to appear on the major search engines, PPC advertising (Pay Per Click ) may be a good way to get some targeted traffic.
However with the real estate market being extremely competitive, your PPC advertising campaign may turn into a money pit.
As an example, getting your listing in the top 3 results on Google AdWords for the search term ''Florida realtors'' will cost you a minimum bid of 7$ .
Suppose your campaign brought you 50 clicks a day.
It will cost you $350 a day or $1750 a week.
Pretty expensive as you see.
And that's only for one little keyword...
Ouch! Each year, real estate agents are spending between $10,000 to $50,000 for advertising their real estate properties.
And keep in mind that advertising in the newspapers is a short term investment.
Most newspapers goes in the trash can the same day! Ouch again! So what is the solution to successfully advertise your real estate online? Pretty simple: Organic search engine optimization.
Marketing your real estate properties through organic search engine optimization is simply the most cost effective method for attracting a steady flow of qualified prospect to your real estate website.
Real estate Organic SEO start with keywords research.
Target the wrong keywords and your real estate business will always struggle.
Proper optimization of your title, description and keyword tags must be done.
You must also build on-page content that match your industry but most importantly, your targeted keywords.
There are no easy tricks and tactics to get your real estate website at the top of the search engines.
Designing a search engine friendly web site can be done but it requires dedication and some extensive knowledge about search engines.
Investing in a true real estate search engine optimization campaign is the most important long-term real estate internet marketing investment you will ever make.
Now you know how to supercharge your real estate sales!
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