Abdominal Pain, Age 11 and Younger - Topic Overview
Abdominal Pain, Age 11 and Younger Guide
- Topic Overview
- Check Your Symptoms
- Home Treatment
- Prevention
- Preparing For Your Appointment
- Related Information
- References
- Credits
Abdominal painin children is a common problem. About 1 out of 3 children is seen by adoctor for abdominal pain by the time they are age 15, but only a small number ofthese children have a serious problem.
Complaints of abdominal painare more common in children younger than 11 years and are often caused bychanges in eating and bowel habits. Most cases of abdominal pain are notserious, and home treatment is often all that is needed to help relieve thediscomfort.
Abdominal pain in children is often frightening andfrustrating for parents. Many times it is hard to find the exact cause of achild's abdominal pain. Pain without other symptoms that goes away completelyin less than 3 hours is usually not serious.
In children, abdominalpain may be related toinjury to the abdomen oran illness, such asan upset stomach, anear infection, aurinary tract infection, orstrep throat. Constipation is a common cause ofabdominal pain in children. Some more serious causes of abdominal pain inchildren includeappendicitis,lead poisoning, or problems with the intestines, suchasintussusception ormalrotation. Girls who start having menstrual periodsmay have abdominal pain each month, and the pain may be more severe in somemonths than others.
Generalized pain occurs in half of the abdomen or more. Localized pain is located in one area of the abdomen. Babies and toddlers often reactdifferently to pain than older children who can talk about their pain. A babymay become fussy, draw his or her legs up toward the belly, or eat poorly.Older children may be able to point to the area of thepain and describe how severe it is.
Abdominal pain can occur onetime, or it can occur repeatedly over several months.Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) is a condition thataffects children ages 4 to 11.
Check your child's symptoms to decide if and when your child should see a doctor.