- There are chances of getting cancer due to the usage of birth control pills. These pills have an uncanny nature. While prolonged usage may increase your risk of getting cancers such as cervical and liver cancer, it also decreases the risk of getting cancers such as ovarian and endometrial cancer. The role of the pill in breast cancer is quite unclear. In some cases it has been shown to up the chances of getting premenopausal breast cancer and, in certain cases, it has acted quite contrarily, dramatically cutting the risk of breast cancer.
- The effect of the pill on a woman's cholesterol levels depends upon various factors, including the type of pill used and the concentration of estrogen and progesterone contained in it. These two hormones work in opposite ways. While estrogen is capable of increasing the level of good cholesterol and decreasing the level of bad cholesterol, progesterone does the reverse. Hence, progesterone-only pills are unfavorable in this regard.
- Birth control pills have an influence on blood pressure. Elderly women who have been taking the pill for a long time have a greater risk of high blood pressure. It is better to switch to a different form of contraception if the woman already has high blood pressure. Those who consider sticking to the pill despite high blood pressure should have their blood pressure constantly monitored by a doctor. But it is advisable to use other forms of contraception if you develop high blood pressure after using the pill.
- You need not panic about developing cardiovascular disease if you don't smoke. The pill causes the adverse effect of cardiovascular disease only in women who smoke habitually. Smoking in itself is injurious to a person's health. It may put you into serious jeopardy if you add the pill as well. Moreover, your age also has a direct influence on this problem. It is better to quit smoking if you are above age 35 and wish to use birth control pills.
- Nausea, dizziness, tiresomeness, headache, tenderness of the breasts, mood swings, weight gain and abdominal pain are some of the less serious side effects you can face during the initial stages of using the pill. However, these side effects may disappear due to regular usage of the pill.
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