If you are one of those who are not so fond of working same time everyday following a routine, then you just might be one of those who have a business mentality; you know, the rich people. Those who have jobs and plan to retire from it obviously love that job and dont care about the pay. They dont care as long as they are doing what they love to do. You on the other hand dont care if you did not have a chance in doing what you love most. You need to get rich first so that you can do whatever it is that youre passionate aboutwith style. Isnt that a better way to do things?
If I quit my job, what would be my source of income?
Since you are eliminating your biggest or only source of income, you might as well replace it with something that can generate the same or bigger income as your job, of course with less work. A business is obviously the best replacement for any job. A traditional brick and mortar business is hard to start though. Aside from that, its very risky and if youre new to it, chances are high that you wont be successful making you feel that youve made the worst decision in your life by quitting your job and investing your hard earned money in a business. A very good suggestion is to start with a home business first. Its less risky and you will have the chance to learn how to run a business.
Wait. Isnt home business the one where you sell products and recruit people around you?
Not exactly, but you have all the freedom if that is the kind of business you want. Thats also risky and the success is actually quite low. What I suggest is a home business where all you need is a computer and the internet. No selling and meeting people face to face. All you need to do is to promote your business using the internet and the internet alone. This is extremely good for those who are recluse.
Starting an online home business is the best way to quit your job. If you are still afraid of the risk, why not start a business but dont quit your job just yet. Quit your job only if you have at least seen even the tiniest result and you want your business to take to the next level. That way, its risk free and there is no obligation attached.
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