I have done some research about products that promise to enlarge the penis to the point of trying it all myself.
In the process, I followed all the steps religiously and found out that some of them are a hoax and some are effective! I have an average sized penis which can make every woman happy (as I am good in foreplay) but having a larger penis does have its advantage.
A larger penis can bring a woman to pure orgasm, multiple times, quicker.
But as I write this, I would like to ask you, the readers, to spread the word and spread the love, brother.
Sex is a gift from God to all couples and so it is not bad to look for ways on how to make it more fun, exciting and pleasurable.
As God wanted us to take care of our bodies, it is also logical that we take care of our sex lives.
But this advice goes out to married couples only for I still believe that unmarried couples do not have the right to sexual intercourse.
Well, anyway, we all have our own opinion and what matters in this article now is how to enlarge penis successfully.
I understand that there are lots of men out there who only have soft erections, huge alright but soft.
Would a woman like a pillow soft object entering her vagina? I don't think so.
Women have the urge to feel a hard penis inside them which is normal so it is only proper for every man to give women what they desire.
This is the reason why men with softer erections sometimes lack the confidence to do it with their partners.
In my research, I have found out that the methods I will mention next are effective to enlarge penis - achieving longer, larger and rock solid erections.
First method I tried is the use of natural penis enlargement pills.
Natural pills contain 100% organic and herbal ingredients.
It has no side effects and does not counteract with other medications.
Since these natural pills enlarge penis through proven effective herbs and natural ingredients, it also helps maintain a healthier body in the process.
I also tried synthetic penis enlargement pills but felt awful side effects such as chronic headaches, dizziness and extremely fast heart beats.
People with heart problems must not take these synthetic penis enlargement pills as it could become very fatal.
So I stopped using synthetic pills.
I have noticed that the natural penis enlargement pills increased my sexual appetite.
This is because it has increased the production of testosterone in my body.
This is also the reason why I easily get aroused and my erection is so impressive.
This promotes healthy blood flow in the penis making it larger during sexual intercourse.
While in the phase of taking in these natural pills to enlarge penis, I started doing natural penis exercises as well to maximize the effects of the pills.
I did the kegel muscle exercise, dry milking and penis pulling or stretching (you can easily find the steps in the internet).
After almost four straight months of diligently following this program, I gained an impressive 3 inches! I have accomplished it, so can you! I need to rest for a few months and I will decide if I will add another 3 inches soon.