- 1). Leash your puppy and go outside, and keep a chew toy hidden in one of your pockets. Sit down in your yard or any grassy area. Allow your puppy to wander and explore.
- 2). Correct your puppy by saying "no" sternly when they do begin eating leaves or dirt. If your puppy does not stop, go to your puppy and remove the material from their mouth and correct them again by saying "no" sternly.
- 3). Replace the earthen material you removed from your puppy's mouth with the chew toy you have in your pocket.
- 4). Praise your puppy by petting it or saying happily, "good." By praising it while it is chewing the chew toy, the puppy receives positive reinforcement for behaving correctly.
- 5). Repeat this exercise daily until your puppy no longer tries to eat any leaves, dirt or other earthen materials.
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