Sometimes we find ourselves in a hole-and we think we do not know how to keep from slipping down deeper and deeper.
These five steps may extricate you from that place and keep you on solid ground: 1.
Realize that you alone control your thoughts.
No one else can make you think a certain way.
You get to think about whatever you want to think about whenever you want to think those thoughts.
Similarly, you get to choose how you feel about your world--as you interpret it through your filters.
No one and nothing outside of you can make you happy or sad.
You are responsible for your feelings.
Regardless of what you are thinking about or feeling, inform your face that you are feeling happy now and smile.
It does not need to make sense to you.
Just do it.
Sit or stand up straight so you can fill your lungs with air.
Taking in air is all about choosing to live life.
Take a few deep breaths.
In fact, take three deep breaths.
Breathe in slowly, hold it and feel your energy send that air all over your body.
Then exhale slowly.
Do that process three times-at least.
(Note that deep breathing means your diaphragm moves.
So if you place your hand on your abdomen then it will rise as you inhale and drop as you exhale.
If your abdomen is not rising and falling and just your upper chest moves then you are not taking deep breaths and you will not be able to shift your mood.
Believe you deserve to experience joy, peace and even bliss.
The natural state of man-of all humanity-is joy.
Problems get created when people think life is about struggle.
Wrong! Life is about flowing in feel good energy.
DO it now.
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